Being the CEO of You Inc. with RB

Can Art be run like a Business?
Yes, it can. All artists are deep down entrepreneurs, taking risks and investing in themselves for their “creative startup.”
In this very special episode, the Founder of the leading networking and educational platform for creatives around the world, STAGE 32, tells us the story of his own ME, INC, and how the inception of Stage 32 came about.
Richard “RB” Botto created his business opportunities for his art, but ultimately for the higher calling of uniting creatives with the accessibility of a social platform that is unique in its kind.
A writer, producer, speaker, actor, educator, RB takes us on the journey of building a personal brand that will actually create opportunities and a career in Hollywood and beyond, not just “likes” on Social Media and popularity.
A huge believer in the power of community and meaningful connections amongst like-minded peers, RB will be direct and concise with actionable advice on leveraging personal branding as well as his own definition of being an authentic artist.
Please share this podcast and send us your feedback /review on apple podcasts for a unique opportunity to enter a raffle to win 1 digital copy of RB’s book, CROWDSOURCING FOR FILMMAKERS.
You can also tag us on Instagram with your feedback @theheartofshowbusiness @AlexiaMelocchi
Connect with RB:
Stage 32
Crowdsourcing For Filmmakers
Let’s Connect!
Alexia Melocchi - Website